Monday, 15 June 2015

How would cochlear implant be your complete hearing solution?

Hearing is a very important aspect of any body’s life it is a process in which human being listen to a particular sound and derive meaning from it. Ears are completely developed part of human body which responds to the slightest sound as well as to the loudest sound, but there are few people who face the complete hear loss due to the injury in sensory cells, this loss is so intense that even the hearing instruments can’t help them, at that point of time cochlear implant is a complete solution to be the part of hearing world once again.  

cochlear implant

  • What is Cochlear implant?
This type of device is an electronic device which is planted in the human body to help the patient listen better, this implant is not a proper remedy for deafness, but it is an alternative for sound. This technology helps the patient to hear and understand the world in more efficient manner. But for the effortless working of device, it’s important to have the existence of auditory nerve because if these nerves are injured to the extreme level then it will not accept the signals making the implantation a total waste. The sound captured by this instrument is very different from the natural sound. This device is very robust because it helps the patient to hear the sound clearly in noise, let them enjoy the music and they can wear their instrument during swimming or running.
  • Points to note before using Cochlear implant
Before using the cochlear implantation, it is important to understand the level of damage in the ear therefore, different types of tests are performed on patient’s ear drum, middle ear bone and middle ear. This type of test is known as tympanometry, where the device is injected in the patient’s ear canal which will change the ear pressure by generating pure tone and calculating the activity of eardrum on the basis of different sounds and pressures. These results are delivered in a curve which is known as Tympanogram. This process of implantation is termed as mapping, where the device can be planted to infants, children’s and adults. There are many trained professionals who help the patient’s cope up with the new transformations.

Plantation of cochlear device is a very crucial step for any person who faces hear loss, because it will affect him throughout his life. Cochlear implantation is one step towards the hearing world for some people.